by Waalfront | Feb 26, 2019 | Geen categorie
Moniek Hanegraaf and Linda Geurts van Kessel will start this week at our practice, as a practice nurse for people with chornic diseases (POH somatiek). They both will work on Fridays. They are specialised in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, COPD/Astma, care for...
by Waalfront | Feb 26, 2019 | Geen categorie
Hooray! Our General Practice celebrates it’s first year anniversary. At this moment we have more than 1100 patiens within our care. We are very proud and we hope to welcome more patients this year. On to the next 1000… We as a team look back on a...
by Waalfront | Dec 21, 2018 | Huisartsenpraktijk Waalfront
The team of Waalfront general pratice wishes you a merry christmas and a healthy 2019!
by Waalfront | Jul 31, 2018 | Huisartsenpraktijk Waalfront
Did you know that the paintings and prints in our practice are for sale? In our practice we have the works of two very talented artists. Wessel Vreeken and Anna Claassen. If you’re interested in one of the works of you want more information about the artist...
by Waalfront | Jul 31, 2018 | Huisartsenpraktijk Waalfront
From the 10th of August Marion Borghart will work for us as a mental health nurse. She will see patients every other weer on Friday morning. A mental health nurse helps people in distress. She can help you clarefy what is going wrong. She can give support during her...